Featured on the front cover of the 2021 edition of Think Tullahoma Magazine, Colin Shuran stands at the site of the premiere of his debut feature film My Friend Karl.
More than 250 people attended the event in June 2020, which raised over $500 for a local homeless shelter.
- REMI AWARD for “My Friend Karl” (2020). Awarded by Houston International Film Festival in Texas, the festival that discovered Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and the Coen Brothers with their very first awards. Only about 15% of total category entries actually win a Remi Award. Colin was a Junior in High School upon receiving this honor.
- SEMI-FINALIST for “My Friend Karl” (2020). Southeastern International Film & Music Festival (Tennessee).
- OFFICIAL SELECTION for “My Friend Karl” (2020). Franklin International Indie Film Festival (Tennessee); Macon Film Festival (Georgia); Southern State Indie Film FanFest (Missouri).
- FINALIST – Second Place for “This Side Up” (2020). Shorts Showcase Film Festival (Palm Springs, CA). Aired on PBS station KVCR to “5.7 million homes throughout Southern California (including Los Angeles).”
- OFFICIAL SELECTION for “Walls For Women” (2021). Montreal Independent Film Festival (Québec, Canada).

Featured in the October 2020 edition of Living Lutheran magazine, Colin Shuran tells his behind-the-scenes story of how he made his debut feature film My Friend Karl.
This is his second feature in this publication. (See “Tablets for Tots” below.)
Media Featuring Colin & His Work
Listed in no particular order. From 2018-present.